Council Calendar

Popcorn Show & Sale Distribution

8/9/2024 12:00:00 AMAll Day

Selling gourmet popcorn is a wonderful opportunity for units to earn funds to support their entire year of Scouting.

Show-n-sell is similar to take-order sales, except Scouts have the popcorn in hand to sell to customers. All units are eligible to participate if they agree to the terms stated in the commitment order form. Packs, troops, and crews can request permission to sell in front of a retail store or chartered organization. Show-n-sell should not replace traditional take-order sales. 

Wagon sales is another great way of selling for Scouts. It's a combination of the show-n-sell and take-order methods. The Scout takes actual products door to door in their neighborhoods to sell and is like a show-n-sell table on wheels.  There is little risk as any unsold popcorn is rolled into traditional, take-order sales.  

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